Grupo Gerez

Who we are

Grupo Gerez
Customs & Logistics Worldwide

We are committed to provide a logistic and customs service, with ethics and quality, based on our experience, personal and competent staff, personalised attention and maintaining innovation in the processes to provide our clients with security and peace of mind in their foreign trade operations.

Our history

It is a customs agency with more than 85 years of experience certified in ISO 9001:2015 and TRACE.
We started our activities in Tampico, Tamaulipas in 1930. Today, we have strategic alliances for direct attention in the 20 most important locations in the country including: Tampico, Altamira, Merida, Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico City, Manzanillo, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Lazaro Cardenas, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Brownsville, Tuxpan, Laredo Texas, Dos Bocas and Ensenada.

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Vision, Mission and Values



To be a competitive and innovative company, to be leaders in Foreign Trade services in our country, and thus obtain the recognition of our clients as a serious, reliable and agile organisation in the performance of customs procedures and services.


To offer an integral attention of quality in the proceedings and services of Foreign Trade to importers and exporters, keeping us at the forefront; working to achieve the complete satisfaction of our clients and suppliers.


The values that make up our identity are: Honesty, Commitment, Integrity, Responsibility, Service, Quality, Efficiency, Safety, Reliability, Procurement, Teamwork, Loyalty, Professionalism and Innovation.


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Customer satisfaction

We offer ethical and quality logistics and customs services . Our team of experienced and highly competent professionals works to provide our customers with security and peace of mind.

Our objectives

The objectives of our organisation are focused on achieving:
  • Absolute quality of service

  • Ongoing training for our staff

  • Perfect coordination of operations, with absolute respect for the responsibilities assigned to us by the client.